It has been almost two years since Limekiln Wind Farm was consented and detailed construction planning commenced. In that period several things have happened including a review of the transmission charging regime (called TNUoS) by Ofgem and the Section 11 refusal to temporarily close the core path by Highland Council.
In order to deal with these issues, we are now looking to fully revise the wind farm’s track design as well as increase the turbine sizes in line with the turbines proposed for Limekiln Wind Farm Extension. To do this, the planning process requires the submission of an application to vary the existing consent called a ‘Section 36C application’. This requires a revised Environmental Impact Assessment, which will be put out to consultation in due course.
Under normal circumstances, Infinergy would host Community Open Days locally to ensure the community is fully consulted on the plans, however, the pandemic has meant that all of this type of consultation has had to move online. To that end, a virtual consultation page will be included on this website and will be live from 11th May until 4th June. There will be a feedback form and a number of live ‘chat’ sessions for virtual visitors to discuss the proposal with the team on 18th and 19th May and again on the 1st and 2nd June 2021 from 2-4pm and 6-8pm each day.